
Tuesday, 24 January 2012

My companions are like stars


"My Companions are like stars"
The Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h)

I still remember my favourite hadith, in regard to the two closest sahaba to Rasulullah SAW, Sayyidina Abu Bakr r.a and Sayyidina Umar r.a. 
(Metaphorically) if to compare the deeds of these sahaba', Sayyidina Umar's were like all the stars in the universe, while if the same amount of Sayyidina Umar's combined in one star, Sayyidina Abu Bakr's would be all the stars in the universe. So, technically it's like more than a zillion-fold from Sayyidina Umar's. 

I can't even stop being awed by that! :D
Here's an article by GF Haddad in regard to the sahaba' of Rasulullah SAW:

There are at least three narrations comparing the Companions (sahaba' of Rasulullah SAW) to the stars in the sky:
It is reported from the prophet (p.b.u.h) that he said:
1. "My Companions are like stars; whoever among them you use for guidance, you will be rightly guided."

2. The hadith in Muslim and Ahmad narrated by Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari whereby the Prophet (p.b.u.h), said:
"The stars are trust-keepers for the heaven, and when the stars wane, the heaven is brought what was promised (i.e the corruption of the world and the coming of the Day of Judgement); and I am a trust keeper for my Companions, so when I go, my Companions will be brought what was promised them (i.e fitna and division); and my Companions are trustkeepers for my Ummah, so when they go, my Ummah will be brought what was promised to you (i.e following hawa and vying for dunya - hawa nafsu)" 

3. Anas relates that the Prophet (p.b.u.h), said:
"The simile of the scholars of knowledge (Ulama) on the earth is the stars in the sky by which one is guided in the darkness of the land and the sea. When the stars are clouded over, the guides are about to be lost."

Tercatat dalam “ARRIYADH ANNADHIRAH FI MANAQIBIL ASYARAH“ dari sahabat Abu Dzar ra, bahawa Rasulullah masuk kerumah Aisyah ra dan bersabda:
“Wahai Aisyah, inginkah engkau mendengar khabar gembira?” 
Aisyah menjawab : “Tentu, ya Rasulullah.” 
Lalu Nabi SAW bersabda, 
"Ada sepuluh orang yang mendapat khabar gembira masuk syurga, iaitu : 
Ayahmu masuk syurga dan kawannya adalah Ibrahim; 
Umar masuk syurga dan kawannya Nuh; 
Utsman masuk syurga dan kawannya adalah aku; 
Ali masuk syurga dan kawannya adalah Yahya bin Zakariya; 
Thalhah masuk syurga dan kawannya adalah Daud; 
Azzubair masuk syurga dan kawannya adalah Ismail; 
Sa’ad masuk syurga dan kawannya adalah Sulaiman; 
Said bin Zaid masuk syurga dan kawannya adalah Musa bin Imran; 
Abdurrahman bin Auf masuk syurga dan kawannya adalah Isa bin Maryam; 
Abu Ubaidah ibnul Jarrah masuk syurga dan kawannya adalah Idris Alaihissalam.”

serious..jeles~ ^^
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